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Tenant Application Process

​The application process itself consists of a 5-step process:


  1. Register interest via an online portal.

  2. Provide required financial documentation.

  3. Insurer engages with Landlord on your behalf to get their acceptance to change the current security to Tenancy Bond insurance.

  4. Acceptance by Landlord and Insurer approval of your application.​

  5. Issuing of Tenancy Bond insurance securing your Lease

How long will this all take?


After we have gained the Landlord's approval and you have supplied all the requested financial information your application assessment will take approximately five business days. Once approved by the insurer the Tenancy Bond insurance policy is usually issued within three business days.


The five step process as noted above can take up to one month, though actual timelines may vary depending on your circumstances and the speed with which you and your Landlord provide the requested information.

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